The Retreat

Embers Core Values:

Meaning - making sense of our experiences in groups of similar events.

Belonging - bonding with others in an accepting and nurturing space.

Presence - practicing mindfulness to escape the tension of our daily lives.

Growth - providing you with understanding and compassion for how you came to be where you are in life, and hope for a more resilient and empowered future.

Confidentiality - above all else what is spoken at Embers stays at Embers*

Tranquillity - As ‘nature deficit disorder’ is becoming more common as a health issue due to spending more time indoors and increasingly tied to technology. Embers aim is to tend to those deficits as the natural world is an integral part of our ancestral biology, known as ‘Biophilia’.

Therefore, you, as a ‘biopsychosocial’ being will benefit significantly from the restorative benefits of:

  • the natural antidepressant of nature,

  • empathic talking therapies

  • social interaction to decrease cortisol (stress hormone)

    decrease sympathetic nerve activity (fight/flight responses) found not only in trauma but daily stressful lives.

  • increase presence and awareness for living in the now.

  • decrease blood pressure and heartrate

  • increase resilience and feel more integrated in the world.

*confidentiality clause- everything we discuss will be kept confidential, confidentiality is only ever broken if staff member is concerned for the safety of yourself or another person. Also, if you give permission for your material to be used for training or marketing purposes any identifying information will always be kept anonymous.